Editorial from June 24, 2024Dnipro, Ukraine
This document, the provisions of which are set out below, is a public offer. In accordance with the provisions of Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. According to Part 2 of Art. 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the acceptance of this Offer, which is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract, is the performance of the actions provided for in clause 2.2. of this Offer. Private entrepreneur Liubchuk Alona, Individual tax number code 3222913761, (hereinafter referred to as the Company or the Executor), duly registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, offers (public offer) to an unlimited number of persons to enter into a public contract for the provision of services under the following conditions:
1.1. The terminology used in this Agreement means the following:1.1. Authorization is the process of analysis of the software part of the Website of the Authentication data entered by the User, based on the results of which the right to access the User's Personal account and Website Services is determined. 1.2. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms of this Offer, by fully or partially paying the cost of the Company's services or leaving the User's Application on the Company's Website.1.3. Authentication data - the unique identifier of the User, which is used to access the User's Personal account. Authentication data includes the User's e-mail address and password.1.4. The Website is a collection of software and hardware resources located on the Internet at, which contains informational materials in text, graphic and audio formats managed by the Company.The Website provides access to these materials and services to users over the Internet.1.5. The Agreement is a public agreement concluded between the Company and the User through the Acceptance of the Offer, and is an accession agreement that can be concluded only by the User joining the Agreement offered by the Company as a whole.1.6. Access to the Event - an e-mail generated by the Company containing details of access to a specific Event (URL, access code), which gives the User the right to participate in the Event chosen by him. Access to the Event is also possible using the User's Personal Account.1.7. Legislation - means the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, which apply to this Agreement.1.8. Event - thematic courses, trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, lectures, in the format of a webinar or online consultations and other similar remote Events or their recordings organized by the Company or to which access is provided using the Company's Educational Platform or other Web services - the Company's website.1.9. Application - the User's expression of will to participate in a specific Event, made using the Company's Website, the Company's official social networks or by phone or by correspondence via e-mail or mobile messengers with the Company's Representative, in the order established by the Offer.1.10. Internet page (HTML page) - a page of the Website, a set of information materials integrated by software and 1.11. 1.11. Company or Executor - Private entrepreneur Liubchuk Alona1.12. A representative of the Company is an employee of the Company or any person authorized to act on behalf of the Company and in the interests of the Company.1.13. The content of the Website is the results of intellectual activity and the means of individualization equated to them, including: literary works, texts, lectures, performances, speeches, computer programs, programs and applications for mobile phones, audiovisual works (video courses, infographics, phonograms , images, trademarks and service marks, commercial designations and brand names, logos, hypertext links, their fragments, information, widgets) and other objects placed on the Website.1.14. Event Content - all information that constitutes the content of a session of a separate Event, including live streams, data files, texts, computer software, sound files, photo, video and other images, including newly created using the Web -site.1.15. User - a person who Accepted the Offer and gained access to the Content of the Event.1.16. The lecturer is an individual, an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity who is the author of the Event.1.17. Unauthorized access - use of User Authentication data by a third party.1.18. Account - Authentication data and personal data of the User stored on the servers of the Website.1.19. The User's personal account is a section of the Company's Website, created with the help of the Website's software capabilities, containing the User's personal data and providing access to the Company's Educational Platform.Access to the User's Personal account is granted after completing the registration procedure. The hyperlink for the registration of the User's Personal account is sent to the User at the e-mail address specified when registering for the Event.1.20. Personal data - reliable, complete and up-to-date information, which allows the Company to carry out the User's authorization procedure, is voluntarily and free of charge placed by the User or the Company in the User's personal account. This information is provided by the User during the registration procedure on the Website, may include name, login, e-mail address and other information that the User deems necessary to inform about himself.1.21. An offer is an offer of the Company to enter into a public contract with it, addressed to an unlimited number of persons, in accordance with Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.1.22. Service - provision by the Company to all interested parties of services to ensure access to virtual classes, educational resources, educational services in the field of information technologies, including by providing access to public educational, scientific and informational resources on the Internet.1.23. Payment system - a payment organization, participants of the payment system and the set of relationships that arise between them during the transfer of funds from users to the Company's account for the Activities available for purchase on the Website.1.24. User registration - the procedure established by the Company to enter registered Users, their personal data and/or other information about the User in the database for the purpose of identifying the User.1.25.Website Services – functionality of the Website intended for use by visitors and Users.1.26. The Company's educational platform (Tutor LMS) is a section of the Company's Website to which the User receives access after registering the User's Personal Account and which provides users with access to educational resources, training materials, courses, tasks, tools, details of the Event, other services and opportunities provided by the Company.
2.1. This Agreement is an official public offer (offer) and contains all the essential conditions for the Company's provision of services for providing access to virtual classes, educational resources, educational services in the field of information technologies, to all interested parties, including by providing access to public educational, scientific and informational resources on the Internet.2.2. The fact of full or partial payment of the cost of the Company's services or the User's registration on the Website is a full and unconditional Acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Offer.2.3. The schedule, number and duration of the Events published on the Website, as well as the cost of the Events and other significant circumstances of the Events may be published on the Website in real time.2.4. The User agrees that the terms of this Offer may be changed by the Company in the future by posting the current version of this Offer on the Website. If the User does not agree with the new (amended) terms of the offer, the Company reserves the right to block or cancel the User's Account.
3.1. Provision of the Service to the User is possible subject to the User's registration on the Website and the User's registration in the User's Personal Account.3.2. User registration on the Website is carried out by filling out the registration form on the Website. When filling out the registration form, the User indicates the name, valid e-mail address and phone number. User registration on the Website is free and voluntary.With the User's consent, the User's Registration can be carried out by the Company's Representative, by notifying the Company's Representative of the information necessary for registration.3.3. After the successful registration of the User on the Website, the Company assumes the rights and obligations towards the User specified in this Agreement.3.4. The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with the terms of this Agreement before the Acceptance of the Offer. 3.5. After the User's registration on the Website and the User's payment of the cost of services, the Company, no later than on the day of the start of the Event, sends the User an e-mail with instructions for the User's registration of the User's Personal account and the "Start training" hyperlink button. By clicking the "Start training" button, the User will be redirected to the Company's Educational Platform, where it is necessary to enter the login and password received by e-mail and enter the personal account. Access to the User's Personal account is granted for three (3) years.3.6. If the User purchases the Services again, the Company provides access to the Event to the User already through the User's previously registered Personal account.3.7. The user does not have the right to transfer his login and password to third parties and bears full responsibility for their preservation, choosing the method of storage himself. If the User has not proven the opposite, any actions performed using his login and password are considered to have been performed by the User with all the consequences that follow.3.8. The user is responsible for keeping his password confidential.If the User discovers the facts of unauthorized access to his account, he undertakes to inform the Company about this fact as soon as possible.3.9. The Company never requires the User to provide any bank card number or PIN. If such requests appear (on the Website or in the form of electronic messages), the User should immediately stop using the Website and notify the Company.3.10. The Company never sends the User electronic requests with a request to specify, confirm or in any other way notify the Company of the password specified by the User during registration.3.11. In the event that the User loses the Authentication data for accessing the User's Personal account or if it is necessary to change the e-mail address, phone number specified by the User during registration on the Website, the restoration or replacement of the relevant data can be carried out by the Company upon written request.
4.1. User rights:4.1.1. The user has the right to choose the Event according to his needs and skills.4.1.2. The User has the right to receive Services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.4.1.3. The User has the right to use the Website, in particular, by receiving information about the Events posted on the Website, as well as by obtaining the opportunity to participate in the Events by completing the Application and performing the actions provided by the Company.4.1.4. The user has the right to refuse participation in the event after registration and payment for participation in the event only in the case of a justified (good) reason for such refusal, no later than the beginning of the third class, but on the condition that the event consists of five and more classes. In this case, the money paid by the User is returned by the Company.4.1.5. The user has the right to refuse to participate in the event after registration and payment for participation in the event only in the case of a justified (good) reason for such refusal, no later than the beginning of the sixth class, but on the condition that the event consists of thirty or more classes. In this case, the Company will refund the funds paid by the User. The user of funds is the Company.4.1.6. There is no provision for the return of paid funds, in case the User purchases a recording of the Event.4.1.7. There is no refund of paid funds, in case the User purchases access to the Event, which consists of four classes or less.4.1.8. The user-individual person enjoys all the rights of the consumer in accordance with the current Legislation regulating such relations.4.2. Responsibilities of the User:4.2.1. The User is obliged to provide reliable information about himself in the process of registering the User on the Website and registering the User in the User's Personal Account.4.2.2.The user undertakes not to reproduce, not to repeat, not to copy, not to sell, and also not to use for any purposes the information and materials that became available to him on the Website and/or during the Event, except for their personal use.4.2.3. The User is obliged to enter the User's Personal account under his account at the same time only from one device (personal computer, tablet, etc.).4.2.4. The User undertakes to familiarize himself with the content, the conditions of the User's registration on the Website and the User's registration in the User's Personal Account, the procedure for conducting the Events, as well as with the additional requirements set by the Company before filling out the registration form on the Website.4.2.5. The User undertakes to make full payment for the Services. After such payment, the User has the right to participate in the Events.4.3. When using the Website, the User does not have the right to:4.3.1.Place on the Site and/or send anywhere through and/or with the help of the Website and/or chats of the Event (upload, store, publish, distribute, provide access to or otherwise use any information, including links to it ) any materials of the following nature that:(1) violate the current legislation, norms of international law; contain threats, defamation or insult; discredit other persons; violate citizens' rights to private life or public order; are obscene or contain obscene language, pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature, violence, with or without the participation of minors; contain scenes of animal cruelty; contain a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it or to commit actions that threaten life and (or) health, including harming one's health;(2) violate to one degree or another the honor, dignity and business reputation, rights and legally protected interests of other persons, including the rights of minors;(3) promote or contain calls to incite religious, racial or inter-national (ethnic) enmity, contain attempts to incite enmity or calls for violence, promote fascism or the ideology of racial superiority, other social pathologies;(4) contain extremist material, promote criminal activity, or contain advice, instructions, or guidelines for committing criminal acts;(5) contain information with restricted access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;(6) contain advertisements or describe the attractiveness of using narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (sound files that affect the human brain due to "binaural rhythms"), information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and advice on their use;(7) are fraudulent in nature;(8) contain negative information capable of harming the health and/or development of any person;(9) encourage other persons to engage in illegal behavior that entails criminal, administrative, civil and other liability or in any way violates the norms of current legislation. Any actions of the User, which, in the opinion of the Company, limit the rights of another User or their commission are not allowed.4.3.2. Place on the Website, in the chat rooms of the participants of the Events and send through/with the help of the Website materials that are advertisements for any goods or services.4.3.3. It is forbidden to register on behalf of or on behalf of another person.4.3.4. Mislead about your identity by using the login and password of another registered User.4.3.5. Distort information about yourself.4.3.6. In any way, including, but not limited to, fraud, breach of trust, malicious intent, attempts to gain access to another User's login and password.4.3.7. Carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons.4.3.8. Post any information that the Company believes is undesirable, does not meet the purposes of the Website, restricts the interests of others or is otherwise undesirable for posting on the Website.4.3.9. Use bots, spiders, scrapers or other automated means to access the Website.4.3.10. Carry out actions that carry or may carry an excessive or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the Website, which may prevent its proper operation.4.3.11. Copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, distribute or publicly reproduce any content of the Event and the Website, the software code that is part of the Website or the services offered on the Website, without the prior written consent of the Company and the relevant third party parties4.3.12.Take action to circumvent measures that the Company may use to prevent or restrict access to the Event or any part of the Website, including devices that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any material or impose restrictions on the use of the Web site or the Event material contained therein.4.3.13. Distribute spam messages and/or other unwanted information.4.3.14. Attempt to interfere with or compromise the integrity of the Website or its security, decrypt any transfer to/from the server serving the Website.4.3.15. Upload incorrect data, viruses or other malicious programs to or through the Website.4.3.16. Collect or store personal data of third parties using technologies or means different from those used or may be used on the Website.4.3.17. Form (express) a demand or offer and reach an agreement to perform works, as a result of which or in the process of which content will be used that is illegal, harmful, defamatory, offends morals, demonstrates (or promotes) violence and cruelty, violates intellectual property rights , promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social grounds, contains insults to any persons or organizations, contains elements of (or promotes) pornography, child erotica, is advertising (or propaganda) services of a sexual nature (including under the guise of other services), explains the procedure for the creation, manufacture, distribution, other use of narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other types of weapons.4.3.18. To violate the rights of third parties.4.3.19. Impersonate another person or a representative of an organization without sufficient rights, including employees of the Company, the owner of the Website and use other forms and methods of illegal representation of other people on the Internet, as well as mislead other Users or the Company.4.3.20. To otherwise violate the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.4.3.21.The User is responsible for any information communicated by other Users, as well as for any interaction with other Users, which is carried out by him at his own risk.
5.1. Rights of the Company:5.1.1. Make modifications to any software of the Website, stop the operation of the Website in the event of significant malfunctions, errors and failures, as well as for the purpose of maintaining and preventing unauthorized access to the Website.5.1.2. Use the User's personal information provided by the latter in any way that does not contradict the law.5.1.3. To record the Event - to create a videogram and alienate it to third parties.5.1.4. Advise the User at all stages - when registering, confirming and paying the cost of participation in the Event, during the Event, as well as after its completion. This includes the ability to personally contact the User through the specified e-mail or phone number, as well as through mobile messengers (such as Telegram and Discord) specified by the User during registration on the Website or in the Personal Account. Communication can also be carried out through external channels, in particular social networks through which the User could register.5.1.5. Entrust or otherwise transfer your rights and obligations arising from the Company's relationship with the User to third parties, subject to compliance with the User's rights and interests provided for by the Legislation.5.1.6.If the User violates the terms of this offer, the Company has the right to block the User's Personal account or otherwise limit access to the Event with or without notification to an email address.5.2. Duties of the Company:5.2.1. Provided the Offer is accepted and the User fulfills the terms of this Agreement, provide the Customer with access to the Event chosen by him.5.2.2. The Company must inform the User about the successful payment of the cost of participation in the Event. The fact that the User is informed is the fact of sending an e-mail to the e-mail address specified by the User during registration on the Website, which contains the relevant confirming information."5.2.3. The Company is not obliged to update and / or improve and / or improve and / or any other change in the operation of the Website. The Company reserves the right at any time and for any reason to change or terminate or suspend the operation of the Website in order to determine the possibilities and limitations of the use of the Website, as well as to introduce and change the order of use of the Website.5.2.4. The Company is responsible for the storage and processing of the User's personal data, ensures the confidentiality of this data in the process of its processing in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Company's Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy in accordance with the terms of Section 8 of this Agreement, as well as in accordance with current legislation.5.2.5. The Company is not responsible for the disclosure of information provided by the User on the Website pages in a publicly accessible form.
6. Conditions for providing access to the Event
6.1. The user gets access to the Event if he has the technical ability to use this access.6.2. The Company has the right to change the Web interface of the Event and the software of the Event, as well as to change the technical and software requirements that must be used by the User to receive the Services. In the event of any and all such changes, this Agreement will apply to such changes unless expressly notified otherwise by the Company.6.3.Information about specific Events and/or the functional composition of specific Events, about the conditions for providing access to the Events and/or about the free nature of the Events, specification of requirements and/or recommendations for technical support for access to the Events, other information or requirements that must and/ or may be notified to the User in accordance with this Agreement or the requirements of the Legislation, are considered to have been provided to the User properly, if the specified information:6.3.1. published on the Company's Website;6.3.2. brought to the attention of the User during the conclusion of the Agreement in the text of the Agreement;6.3.3. brought to the attention of the User by means of electronic messages sent to the User's e-mail address specified by him during registration on the Website;6.3.4. printed in the Company's advertising and informational materials;6.3.5. brought to the attention of the User during his application to the Company's contact addresses and telephone numbers;6.3.6. brought to the attention of the User through e-mail and messages posted on the Company's server in Discord;6.3.7. brought to the attention of the User by correspondence in mobile messengers with the User's number specified during registration on the Website;6.3.8. notified to the User by the Company Representative by phone;6.3.9. brought to the attention of the User in other ways available to the Company, including through mass media (advertising).6.4.The user's access to participate in the Event, information about which is posted on the Website, is granted on the condition of 100% prepayment of the cost of participation in such an Event, in the manner and in the manner specified in this Agreement, on the Website or notified to the User in another way.6.5. Participation in the event is confirmed by the completion of the final sequence of actions, namely: 6.5.1. Registration of the User on the Website, consisting of:"- pressing (clicking) on the information window of the selected Event;- going to the page of the specified Event on the Website;- filling out the registration form on the Website;- pressing the "Order" button.- payment of the Event after filling out the form and pressing the "Order" button6.5.2. Payment for participation in the event. Payment is made within 30 (thirty) days from the moment of submission of the Application, but, in any case, no later than the beginning of the Event.6.5.3. User registration in the User's Personal account, which consists of:- by pressing (clicking) the "Start training" button, which is included in the e-mail sent by the Company- To the User no later than on the day of the start of the Event;- go to the registration page of the User's Personal account;- entering an individual password to complete the registration of the User's Personal account;by pressing (clicking) on the "Sign In" button to be redirected to the registered Personal accountIf the User buys the Services again, he gets access to the Event through the previously registered Personal Account of the pressing (clicking) on the "Sign In" button to be redirected to the registered Personal accountIf the User buys the Services again, he gets access to the Event through the previously registered Personal Account of the User."6.6. In the event that after the completion of the procedure for payment of the cost of participation in the Event, but in no case later than the day of the start of the Event, the User for one reason or another did not receive Access to the Event, he must contact the Company's support service at the contact phone number or by the e-mail address of the Company specified on the Website.6.7. The Company reserves the right to cancel the User's participation in the Event, while the Company is not obliged to return the paid fee in case the User violates the rules of conduct at the Event.The specified violations are the publication by the User in comments or otherwise during the Event of information prohibited by clause 4.3.1 of this Agreement, including inciting international conflicts, containing obscene language or otherwise insulting other participants of the Event or the Lecturer, publication of information that is not relates to the theme of the event or the publication of advertising information.6.8. The Company reserves the right to cancel the User's participation in the Event if it is established that the details for participation in the Event have been transferred to them to third parties, including through publication in public access of an individual link (URL) for the User's participation in this Event, the User's distribution of information and materials, received by him in connection with participation in the West. The use of information and materials is allowed only for personal purposes and for the personal use of the User. The User's access to participate in the Event is provided for no more than one viewer per individual link.6.9. The Company's website may contain links to other Internet resources. By accepting the Offer, the User agrees that the Company bears no responsibility for the availability of these resources and their content, as well as for any consequences related to the use of the content of these resources.
7.1. Payments for providing the User with access to the Events are made directly between the User and the Company.7.2. The cost of the Services is notified by the User when clicking the "Order" button and/or by sending an electronic message by the Company.7.3.The cost of the Services may be set by the Company in foreign currency.7.4. The User pays the Company for the Services in the form of 100% prepayment in Ukrainian hryvnias according to the exchange rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine on the day the Company invoices the User.7.5. Rules for participating in promotions and receiving discounts may be posted on the Website separately. In case of conflicts between individual provisions of the rules of promotions and discounts and this Offer, the provisions of the rules of promotions and discounts shall apply.7.6. Non-resident Users shall make payment in foreign currency, according to the invoice issued by the Company. Any bank commissions charged by the User's bank or correspondent banks shall be paid by the User.7.7. The method of payment is determined by the Company and notified to the User by sending an electronic message or another method chosen by the Company.7.8. The Company has the right to provide one or more options for payment methods. The Company has the right at any time and at its discretion to change/remove any payment methods without any notice and making changes to this Agreement.7.9. When choosing a payment card payment method, the User specifies information related to payment cards, namely: card number, validity period, CVC / CVV code and name of the payment card owner, and gives consent to the Payment System Company to process their personal and payment information data relating to the transfer of funds for the selected Event.7.10. Having selected and confirmed the payment method, the User authorizes the Company/Payment System to debit from the specified payment card/bank account, through the selected payment method, the full cost of the Services, including the commission, the corresponding surcharge for transferring funds, the amount of possible conversion and the exchange rate difference, which will be applied to payment, and also authorizes the specified persons to use payment and personal data for: (a) payment of the cost of participation in the Event, (b) processing of refunds, if necessary, and (c) for other purposes necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement.The User is fully aware and agrees that at the time of payment to the Company, the amount of additional costs for processing payment transactions is unknown.7.11. The Company has the right to request from the User, and the User undertakes to provide a bank statement for the resolution of conflicting financial issues related to the payment of the cost of the Services, with the return of funds in cases provided for by the Legislation, as well as for the resolution of other conflicting financial issues.7.12. During the creation/registration of the application, the funds on the payment card may be blocked with their subsequent debiting. The Company may debit funds from the payment card. The User undertakes to take all measures so that the withdrawal of funds from the payment card is possible and available at any time by the Company (for example, all restrictions and limits of the issuing bank for payment must be removed by the User before the actual withdrawal of funds from the account ).7.13. The day of payment is considered the day of receipt of funds to the Company's bank account.7.14. In the event that the Event does not take place due to the fault of the Company, the funds received by the Company from the User as payment for participation in such an Event shall be returned to the User within 30 days from the date of cancellation of the Event or may be credited to the payment of another Event or be retained by the Company for purchase of services by the User in the future, at the User's choice and consent.7.15. In the event that the User exercised the right to refuse participation in the Event after Registration and payment for participation in the Event under the conditions specified in clause 4.1, funds received by the Company from the User as payment for participation in such Event shall be returned to the User within 14 (fourteen) banking days from the date of cancellation of participation in the Event for such User, or may be credited to the payment account of another Event or be retained by the Company for purchase of services by the User in the future, at the User's choice and consent.

8.1. Given that during the conclusion of this Agreement, the Company gains access to the User's personal data, in order to comply with the requirements of the Legislation, the User, by joining this Agreement (accepting the Offer), confirms that he is familiar with the Company's Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy. The text of this Policy is posted on the Company's Website at The User is fully aware of his rights and obligations arising from this Policy and Legislation, as well as the guarantees provided by the Company and the responsibility of the Company and the User arising from thisPoliticians The user accepts the terms of this Policy.

9.1. The content of the Website, the Company's educational platform and the content of the Events are the intellectual property of the Company or are used by it on the basis of the duly executed consent of third parties and are subject to protection in accordance with the Legislation. Distribution by the User of the information received at the Event in any way to third parties, in including for commercial purposes, such actions are prohibited without the express consent of the Company.9.2. Granting the User access to the Website pages and educational materials through the Company's Educational Platform does not mean that the User is granted any license to use the Company's intellectual property. All rights, except those expressly granted to the User by this Agreement, are reserved by the Company.9.3. Any software available on the Website for download is the subject of intellectual property of the Company and/or its partners.9.4. The User does not object to the Company using in any way to record the Event attended by the User, including video and photo images, as well as other personal data of the User.
10.1. The extent of the Company's liability under this Agreement is limited due to the establishment of the maximum amount of damages subject to compensation. Such maximum amount of damages in any case may not exceed the cost of participation in the Event held using the Website. The Company is not responsible for indirect or indirect damages, lost profit, loss of the User's business reputation, etc.10.2.The Company cannot be held responsible for the reliability, accuracy, completeness or quality of any information displayed by the Lecturer and/or third parties at the Event. The Company cannot support and cannot confirm any information displayed by the Lecturer and/or third parties at the Event. The User understands and agrees that, using the Services, he may receive information that is subjective, evaluative and contradictory in nature.10.3. The company does not check and cannot guarantee the complete absence of inaccuracies in the information displayed by the Lecturer, therefore it is not responsible to the User for any erroneous and/or unreliable data, as well as for the damage caused to the User and /or losses due to the presence of errors or inaccuracies in the information received by the User.10.4. In the event that the User, for reasons beyond the control of the Company, did not exercise his right to participate in the Events, the Company's obligations are deemed to have been duly fulfilled, in the agreed amount and on time, and the funds paid by the User are not subject to return.
11.1. The Company and the User are released from liability for violations of the terms of this Agreement, if they are caused by circumstances of force majeure (force majeure) that prevent the proper execution of this Agreement. 11.2. In this paragraph, the term "force majeure" means an exceptional event or circumstance:(1) which is beyond the control of the Company or the User,(2) against which the Company or the User could not reasonably take measures before entering into the Agreement,(3) which, after its occurrence, the Company or the User could not reasonably have avoided or overcome.11.3. Force majeure circumstances may include, but are not limited to, exceptional events or circumstances listed below, so long as they meet all the conditions of (a) - (c) of clause 11.2. of this Agreement:- war, hostilities (regardless of whether war has been declared or not), invasion, actions of foreign enemies;- mutiny, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war;- uprising, unrest or disorder within the country, strike or lockout except for the personnel of the Parties and (or) other employees of the Parties and their subcontractors, interruptions in the work of the banking system of Ukraine;- natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons or volcanic activity.11.4. The Company or the User referring to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances is obliged to prove that the failure of one of them to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement was caused by force majeure circumstances.11.5. The occurrence of force majeure circumstances must be confirmed by relevant documents issued by the competent authorities.11.6. The term of performance of obligations under this Agreement is extended for the duration of force majeure circumstances and elimination of their consequences.11.7. If the force majeure circumstances continue for more than 3 (three) months, this Agreement may be terminated early at the initiative of any of the Parties and with their consent or by court order.11.8. The Company and the User are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of their obligations 
12.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Party whose right has been violated shall send a written claim (demand) to the other Party.12.2. All claims (complaints) of the User to the Company regarding the receipt of Services must be sent by the User to the Company's e-mail address specified on the Website, in the form of a scanned copy, with the mandatory subsequent sending of the original claim (complaint) to the Company's postal address specified on the Web - sites. The term for consideration of a user's claim (complaint) by the Company is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the moment of receipt of the claim (complaint), after which the Company makes one of the following decisions: (a) to disagree with the claim (complaint) and to reject it pleasures; (b) on full or partial agreement with the claim (complaint) and about full or partial satisfaction of the User's requirements.12.3. The party whose right has been violated has the right to file a lawsuit in court in accordance with the jurisdiction and jurisdiction established by the requirements of the current legislation.
13.1. Notifications, claims, requests, statements and other official materials are transmitted by the Parties to each other as follows:13.1.1. from the Company to the User - through forwarding to the e-mail address specified by the User during registration on the Website;13.1.2. from the User to the Company - through forwarding to the e-mail address indicated on the Website. Written requests sent by the User to the Company's address must be signed by the User. Written appeals that are not signed by the User will not be accepted by the Company for consideration.
14.1. The terms of this Offer are valid until the time of withdrawal / change of the Offer by the Company.14.2. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.14.3. The Company has the right to terminate this Agreement and terminate the User's access to the Services if the User violates any of the conditions specified in this Agreement.14.4. In case of conclusion of this Agreement (acceptance of this Offer), termination of the agreement unilaterally by one of the Parties is carried out by sending a corresponding written statement by the other Party.14.5. By accepting the terms of this Offer, the User expresses his consent to receive information about all other Events, access to which the Company provides access to participation, regardless of the term of this Agreement, provided that such consent can be revoked by the User at any time by sending the appropriate address to the Company. 14.6. All issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 14.7. If you are in direct contact with the Lecturer, you should be careful when transferring any personal information. The Company cannot control the actions of lecturers regarding the information they receive from other users on the Website. You should not share your email or personal information about you for your own safety. 14.8. The company is not responsible for the interaction between Lecturers and Users. All disputes, claims, damages, injuries or other damage that may arise as a result of or in connection with the behavior of Lecturers or Users are not the responsibility of the Company.  14.9. Services and materials are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. The Company does not represent and cannot guarantee the absence of errors or the accuracy of the Services or its materials, and expressly disclaims any warranties or conditions (express or implied), including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, legal title and non-infringement of intellectual property rights. The Company cannot guarantee that you will obtain specific results from participating in the Event. Participation in the Event is at your sole discretion.14.10. The Company and the User confirm that the Event is held exclusively for a limited circle of Users and is not public (unless otherwise agreed by the Parties). The Lecturer/Lecturers, methodologists, other Users and representatives of the Company who can see each other may be present at the Events.14.11. The Company informs the User that during the Event it is recorded - a videogram is created. The Event recording may contain information about the personal data of Users, in particular, but not exclusively: surname, first name, patronymic, nickname, photo, profile image (avatar). The recording of the Event, together with the specified personal data, may be available in the User's Personal Account and on the Company's Educational Platform (TutorLMS) to all participants of the Event and Users who have purchased one or another recording of the Event.
Private entrepreneur Lіubchuk Alona Location: Ukraine, 49000, Dnipropetrovsk region, Dnipro city, Mandrykivska street, b.234, ap. 252Postal address: Nova Poshta br.55, Dnipro city (Dmytra Dontsova 2a)Individual tax number: 3222913761Email for correspondence: tra.dauqsv%40loohcsPhone: +38(073)-234-91-97